In regards to the new FTC regulations, we are making this page to be compliant with 100% transparency regarding disclosure of incentive and paid reviews.

Some pages on this site has been created to generate revenue.

This site generates income through banner advertisements and affiliate links on product reviews.

Seek Medical Advice: does not provide medical advice and we are not engaged in rendering medical or professional services or advice. The information provided on the Site is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a health care provider. strongly recommends that you promptly consult a physician or professional health care provider prior to use of any product. Neither the product nor the ingredients in the product have been approved or endorsed by the FDA or any regulatory agency for treatment of obesity or to cause weight loss.

Product reviews that are posted come from user submissions and some that our team writes. We only write reviews for products we find useful however we cannot verify claims from third-party submissions.

Anyone can submit a product review in the form of comment on any review. We can not verify these claims however each IP is logged.

Comments are moderated and edited for slander and SPAM. We also do not approve comments of the obvious such as “item was blue” when the product website clearly states the product is in fact blue. Another example and common complain is regarding shipping and rebill subscription charges that may occur through certain merchants. We only post these type of comments when we see a misleading salespage. We cannot post slanderous comments from upset users who forgot to read what the purchased.

Reviews on this site are merely opinions and may be moderated for any reason. The owner of this site is not help liable for any possible damages resulting from false claims as they may not be verifiable. We understand that not all merchants are the same. Having a negative experience with a single customer service representative may not reflect the quality of a product or entire company. Just remember to ultimately use your own judgment